Like each year, I have contributed to the University of Liège's summer reading list. The list encompasses critical book reviews written by members of the university community. This year, I choose to recommend the following readings:
Richard Haass, The Bill of Obligations: The Ten Habits of Good Citizens, Penguin Press, 2023, 237 pages.
Benoist Simmat, Jean-Robert Pitte et Philippe Bercovici, L’Incroyable histoire de la Géographie : 200 ans d'exploration du monde, Les Arènes, 2021, 161 p.
Have a look at my previous years' reading recommendations:
2021: Catel & Bocquet, Olympe de Gouges, Casterman, Coll. Écritures, 2016, 486 pages.
2020: Pénélope Bagieu, Culottées (Intégrale), Gallimard, 2019, 312 p.